Women in Finance Charter
In our mission to be an inclusive and balanced organisation, Visa in Europe signed the Women in Finance Charter in 2018. The Charter reflects the UK government’s aspiration to see gender balance at all levels across financial services firms.
By signing the Charter Visa in Europe pledges to promote gender diversity by:
- having one member of our senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion;
- setting internal targets for gender diversity in our senior management;
- publishing progress annually against these targets in reports on our website;
- having an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked to delivery against these internal targets on gender diversity.
As part of the Charter, Visa committed to the following three-year targets in September 2022.
- A target of 36.5% of women in senior management by 2025.
- A target of 42.5% of women across Europe by 2025.
As of 31 July, 36.5% of our European Visa senior managers were women (met target) and 43.2% of our overall population were women across Europe (exceeded target). Furthermore, at the end of July, 50% of our executive leadership level (SVP+) were also women.
Given that we met/exceeded the targets a year early, we are setting a new three-year target. We are committing to the following gender diversity targets:
- A target of 37.5% of women in senior management by September 2027.
- A target of 45% of women across Europe by September 2027.
Visa believes in empowering and advancing the careers of all women leaders. We will continue to remain committed to driving gender diversity progress and meeting our goals, and continue to focus on recruitment, retention, engagement, development and career activities going forward.
Read our Women in Finance Charter Report